A college student is standing on a counter wearing a full Twisted Tea outfit and yelling at his friends
Akron student is motivated to work out and get more reps in by his buddy who has some wintergreen Zyns
A frat DJ with tattoos and Pit Viper sunglasses crushes a Bud Lite shotgun in the middle of his set at a huge party
The darties/daygers at UD during Oktoberfest are pretty insane… Thousands of students gather to celebrate.
College students at a frat party make a beer staff that goes all the way up to the ceiling
A college student tries to ride a sign that says “Just because it’s a bad idea doesn’t mean it won’t be a good time” down the stairs, only to immediately wipe out and fall down the stairs
A college student checks out of the grocery store buying Modelo dressed up as Batman
Bass player for the band Flatland Cavalry signs a fan’s Zyn can before they start their set
College house decides to leave out a bowl of six milligram Zyn tins of all flavors for adult trick-or-treaters with their scary Halloween decorations
Frat boy does backflip off of the roof at a huge BYU frat party, but overshoots the landing and the people who were supposed to catch him miss