Dude packs a fat lip in the back of one of his classes
Dude with shades tops a High Noon off with Vodka, rips a vape, then slams the shotgun blowing out the vape clouds while the NFL on Fox theme plays
Phi Sigma Kappa brother smashes a beer on his head then shotguns it on a beautiful Saint Patrick’s Day morning.
Drunk guy passes out at a party and his “friends” draw his face blue and put peanut butter and gummy bears in his hair. Looking good bro!
During a huge frat party a brother is smoking a cigar, drops it on the filthy dance floor, then picks it back up and keeps smoking it while Mr. Brightside plays
Passed-out frat bro gets a present from one of his buddies, a cigarette in his open mouth to go along with the sunglasses
A remake of the iconic “But I love Chef” commercials but with a more college focused product, Zyn
A bro in a Mike’s Hard Lemonade shirt shotguns three Twisted Teas taped together while We Will Rock You plays in the background and his boys cheer him on
A weddinggoer tried to open a beer to shotgun it by smashing it on his head, but it took a few more tries than he thought it would and he almost get knocked out.
A golfer pukes up a ball and his partner hits a pure iron shot while the rest of the group laughs. FORE!